Wednesday 19 December 2012

Journal: 19/12/12- Potential Errors/dangers

Here is a list of potential errors I may face when filming my music video:

Lighting: In all elements of the video the lighting is key. As I am aiming to film the outdoor shots late evening and in the winter it will be getting very dark, to make sure that the quality of my video is not hindered by the darker lighting I will need to do recce shots which will determine whether I will need additional lighting. I will also need to do lighting tests in my second performance location as this will be indoors but in a dark area and hopefully lit by just candlelight. Again to make sure the quality is not hindered I will need to conduct test shots using the planned lighting.

Weather: Due to the shoot being conducted in the winter there could be many issues caused by the weather. This includes possible damage to equipment and/or shoots being delayed due to extreme weather. Although the shoot will not be affected by the ground being wet, I will not be able to shoot whilst it is raining due to the damage it could cause to the lighting and camera equipment.

Location: My forest locations for the main performance element and narrative also poses a few issues. One of which is the general public. Due to the forest locations being connections to public parks I will have to be aware of the general public. Although the actual forest areas are rarely used by people a shot could always be disturbed by a dog as the locations are prime areas for dog walkers. There is no way that I could prevent this so the only thing I can do is be prepared to have to do many takes of the shots. Another issue posed by the locations I have chosen is the forest ground. I plan to have my artist shoeless so I will need to make sure that the path the artist will take during some of the running scenes is clear of twigs or other items that could harm her. If this becomes too much of a task due to the amount of close up running shots then I may need to either change the shot to a higher shot of the artist or have a pair of military style boots at hand to still keep with the 'boho' image of the artist. The former will be the most likely of the two as this does not change the overall image of the video and will add to Andrew Goodwin's theory of record labels 'exposing' the artist to their audience.

Cast: Although the cast is the biggest issue I could face it is also the least likely to happen. Due to both my artists having work commitments I could have to reschedule filming dates to fit around that, especially as it is approaching Christmas and they could be called in at any moment. There is no way that I can prevent this from happening and if it does happen the only way I can overcome it is by rescheduling. This shouldn't act as too much of an issue as I may only need 3 days to shoot the video. Due to the time of day the shooting will be done I will need to get all/ a vast majority of the outside  shots filmed on the same day so that the lighting does not drastically change when I come to film the next day.

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