Tuesday 18 September 2012

Coldplay- 'Paradise' video analysis

The music video for Coldplays 'Paradise' does feature the genre characteristics of a 'Rock Band' video. This is through the live performance sequence at the end of the video. A live performance is a characteristic of many music videos that feature a band. During this video there are two versions of the live performance, one with Coldplay dressed as Elephants performing in the desert and another with Coldplay performing a concert to a massive crowd whilst wearing only the Elephant costume heads and hands.

The music video features intertextual references to both London culture and also a piece of Coldplays work. In the video there are shots in which the Elephant is seen riding a 'Boris Bike' through London. The Elephant then goes into a London Underground station and busks to earn money for a ticket. The intertextual reference to a piece of Coldplays recent work comes as one of the lyrics 'every tear a waterfall' this is a reference to the Coldplay song 'Every Teardrop is a Waterfall'. The beginning of the video is also made to look like a Film title sequence.


There is no real relation between the lyrics and visuals, but there are some made through the use of placards reading the lyrics. This could also be seen as an intertextual reference to the Bob Dylan song 'Subterreanean Homesick Blues, which is deemed as the first proper music video and also features the use of placards reading the lyrics throughout the video.

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